Page name: Inari Contest [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-08-15 22:39:44
Last author: Wes Foxx
Owner: Wes Foxx
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Inari Art "Contest"

I had a stroke of brilliance! What if instead of me giving everyone a picture of the founder of the Order of Inari, why not let everyone give us their perspective on how he might look?


the only conditions!
-Inari IS A GUY and a fox anthro. He is NOT a taur, were-, or half-kitsune. He is the original and he is the best.
-I'm going to be writing a story about him (History of Inari) and while you can have some libertys with it, theres some things that define him.
 1.He never has more than three tails
 2.He scorns armor
 3.The only weapons he uses is a metal staff and a sword of the same metal; if you color it make sure you give them a bluish hue
 4.He does not use firearms; he is magic and considers archaic weapons like guns to be insulting
 5.He doesn't have any scars or piercings

New: Additional info
For those of you who haven't read the story yet, he dresses in a greenish tunic/shirt and his pants are blue (though i wont insist you make them actual bluejeans). Keep up with the great pictures ^^

Im gonna hold this contest open as long as people send in entries, but past May, its not going to be used as his official portrait, but feel free to add as many submissions as you want whenever you want.

Here is a picture of him as I imagine him for the most part (not skilled enough to do it entirely correct, since I draw too small to do enough detail and thereby cut corners) Use this as a model to go off of if you want, though your totally welcome to draw him however you want (so long as it follows the 5 contest rules). Im deliberately not coloring him though; take creative liberty for what you think he might look like.

Final Update

At this point, its not really so much of a contest as it is a place where artists can have something to draw when they're stuck for ideas, feel like making donations, and generally acting as a gallery.


1.[Just Paula]

It looked a bit empty so far, so I just disided to try it out...have no scanner though, that´s why it´s a paint pic ^^

2b. [Zab] Weeness! Another paintpic! heh..''-.-,

2c, Surprise! It´s [Zab] again*lol* Same as the above but changed a bit in Photoshop. I´m not sure it became any better, though...Oo *I love his hand!*

3.[Orico] Hey, lookee here, I finally got him up. This is only my second try at an "anthro" character...hope everyone likes it. :D I left the banner to the right of Inari blank--I envisioned his name, or a "chapter __" but I couldn't decide. Oh well. ;)

3B.[Orico] and [Zab]
(Posted for them by [Wes Foxx]) I thought this was good, and should be posted with the others so it wouldn't be forgotten in the comments ^^ Original by [Orico] of course, colored by [Zab]

4. [the Indigo] voila! My Inari

5. [Fox_Child]

6. [Nonchalant]

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2005-01-22 [Just Paula]: i would join but my only male fox anthro (well my only male drawing period) is already being used for my Anthro Mafia Gallery and i cant draw males that well so i dun think ill enter..... unless i decide i want to draw another guy which i doubt because drwaing guyss is HARD!!!

2005-01-22 [Wes Foxx]: then i guess its a good thing i over-emphasized that Inari is a guy Oo

2005-01-22 [Just Paula]: ....?

2005-01-23 [Wes Foxx]: DSP claims the first picture! woot. -conflicted issues- i cant say its great but i cant say its bad. its like... exactly average xX try coloring it

2005-01-23 [Just Paula]: i suck at drawing guys v.v but thats ok i will get better eventually!!

2005-01-24 [Just Paula]: GAH I FORGOT HIS EARS!!!!!!!!!1

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